THANK YOU to all of you who helped Free To Air to successfully end its crowdfunding campaign! Thanks to your trust and the wholehearted support from my closest family and friends we were able to reach this huge goal and give birth to Free To Air!!!
You can’t imagine how HAPPY I am to be able to share this with all of you, after so much work! From the first idea and drawings to getting all of your support, it’s a long-time dream that came true and that’s simply AMAZING!
This is the beginning of an even more amazing journey as you are now hundreds to fully be Free To Air and will forever be part of this adventure thanks to your generous contributions. And for that, I’ll be forever grateful!
Again, a huge THANK YOU to all of you, but more particularly to my other half and our son whom I both love so dearly and also to my family and friends who followed and supported me since the early stages of the brand and throughout the entire crowdfunding campaign. THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!
You can of course continue to share all of this on social networks to help me spread the word:
Instagram: @befreetoair
Facebook: @BeFreeToAir
Twitter: @BeFreeToAir
The crowdfunding campaign page:
Stay tuned and be Free To Air!
Melina Kopp
J. K.
AM Claeys
Kathy Kopp & Philippe Kopp
Master of The Universe
Agne Petkute
Victoria Trutayeva
Francesca V.
Selçuk Hancar
F. S.
A. Allard
Isabelle K.
Margot Ramault
Audrey Hennes & Gilles Docquier
Lou Kacen
Maxime Dehuit
Gaëlle Surain
P. De Vylder
Emilie H. & Nico V.
Béné & Stefaan
Junior De Bruyn
Caroline Dewaele
Florence de Ferran
Bertrand L.
Claire C.
Valentin Nourdin
V. Willems
Maxime H.
Alexis M.
Anke P.
S. Chabert
Jules M.
Minjauw Vanessa
Quentin D.
Véronique Fehr
Chris V.
A. De Vylder
Julie V.
JF&M Cayphas
Sandra Colson
Pili Argüelles
Aline D.
Eugénie & Quentin
A. W.
Sin Murat
Gilles Smedts
Simon M.
Cath&Dino C.
Catherine Radelet
M. Cbe
Quinten Cormenier
X. Wilkin
Ward Pauwels
L. Viola
Sicx Christopher
Melissa M.
& all the anonymous contributors